I haven't written in a while. Yet, I've had a LOT to write about. This past month I've experienced WONDERFUL music performances, and have eaten at a lot of exceptional restaurants.
So, why haven't I written about them?
Well, I felt a little jaded about my skills as a writer. About a month ago, I attended a class titled "How to be a Food Writer". I thought that is what the class would be about, you know, LEARNING HOW TO WRITE ABOUT FOOD. I thought I would get a better understanding of the nature of executing a food related piece. Which I suppose was my first mistake. It was really just a class to massage the ego of an already established food journalist whose skills as a writer were far superior to everyone else's ESPECIALLY when applying grammar. All of our pieces were trite and feeble attempts to describe the food we ingested. Her shrill nagging voice expressed disdain between her every exasperated breath. The roll of her eyes behind her stylish frames mirrored her distaste. In baser terms, she was a know-it-all- and although she may have known a LOT about food, I didn't feel she imparted as much wisdom as she could've. There was an air of pompousness about her that made any information she was giving out seem... invalid. Clearly, I have a hard time taking arrogance seriously.
In regards to my work, she said that "There was a lack of accuracy", and that I was fixated more on the words than the food, and that I especially didn't use enough COMMAS. This was in reference to an assignment she had given to us FIVE MINUTES BEFORE. I am amazed that she didn't complain about the handwriting! All these special circumstances aside, her criticism of my work seemed fair and informative to me, even if I despised her attitude and approach as a "teacher". The fact of the matter is, she was NOT a teacher. A teacher is someone who provides guidance and instruction about it, while giving constructive criticism. It is also important that they understand that a person is still LEARNING, otherwise they wouldn't be in a class to
begin with.
This woman failed to recognize this concept. MOST teachers fail to recognize this concept, and this is why more people don't pursue their passions. How are we to excel, grow, or evolve without true guidance and a nurturing attitude? I've let the negativity of this 2 day class permeate my enthusiasm for writing. I tried to separate the wisdom imparted from her brazen and
offensive attitude. It has perhaps been a feeble attempt, but it was an attempt all the same. I need to step up my game, and care more. I was (and admittedly still AM) writing in a vacuum, and it's time I started taking more time thinking, reading, and especially EDITING my work. Also, maybe I use caps-locks to emphasize a point too often. I don't think I am ready to pitch anything, but I think I am ready to take another class and see how it goes.
In the meantime, expect a rash of reviews, commentaries, and ramblings, until I catch up fully.